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Fairstone Bank is fully committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are dedicated to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities and will do so by working to understand barriers they have experienced while interacting with Fairstone Bank, to set action plans to prevent or remove these barriers.

Please see Fairstone Bank’s 2024-2027 Accessibility Plan (the “Accessibility Plan”) for further information on our commitment to identify, prevent and remove barriers for persons with disabilities, in accordance with the framework established under the Accessible Canada Act (the “Act”).

Accessibility Feedback Process

Fairstone Bank has designated the Vice President of Customer Care and Sales Contact Centre to receive accessibility feedback and coordinate with internal subject matter experts responsible for each of the seven priority areas to meet new obligations described under the Act as required.

Fairstone Bank welcomes feedback from members of the public, customers, employees and groups representing the interests of persons with disabilities on:

  • The manner in which Fairstone Bank is implementing its Accessibility Plan, and 
  • The barriers to accessibility encountered by Fairstone Bank employees and persons interacting with Fairstone Bank. 

Feedback may be provided to the Vice President of Customer Care and Sales Contact Centre at:

  1. By phone at the toll-free number: 1-800-995-2274
  2. On the Fairstone Bank’s website:
  3. By email:
  4. By mail at the mailing address:
    • Fairstone Bank of Canada
    • Attn: Vice President of Customer Care and Sales Contact Centre
    • 33 Yonge Street, Suite 810
    • Toronto, Ontario M5E 1G4

Acknowledgement of receipt will be provided in the same manner as the feedback was received unless it requested using a different channel or format.

Feedback may be provided anonymously, in which case acknowledgement of receipt will not be issued.

You can request our feedback process, Accessibility Plans or progress reports in an alternate format using the toll-free number, email address or mailing address noted above.